Mentoplasty (Chin Surgery)
Chin Implant Washington, DC - Chin Implant Baltimore - Chin Implant Maryland
Before and after photos can help you better understand the various procedures that are available to you, in addition to helping you form reasonable expectations of what can be achieved through plastic surgery. It is important to keep in mind that each person is different and that your results may vary. Below are only a small sample of the thousands of happy patients who have received care with Dr. Thomas Le, and we thank these patients for consenting to share their photos online. As such, this small sample does not represent the full range of dramatic or customized results possible. To view more photos of patients with similar features as you who underwent the procedures you may be contemplating, please call 877-917-3223 to schedule a consultation.




Young female who complained of weak jaw and excessive neck fat underwent chin implant and neck liposuction to improve her neckline. |




Young female who complained of small chin, heavy neck, and droopy nose underwent rhinoplasty, chin implant, and neck liposuction to improve facial balance. |
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